Project Publications

| Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | conference articles in journals |

The reserach results have been published as a research monograph and scientific books in 2014 as well as in partner journals:

Horská, E. (2014). Specifics of International Marketing and Management in Visegrad Countries – Qualitative Analysis of Selected Case Studies (chapter 8) In: A. Duréndez & K. Wach K. (Eds.), Patterns of Business Internationalisation in Visegrad Countries – In Search for Regional Specifics. Cartagena: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (ISBN: 978-84-942562-0-2).

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Chapters 8 bring in-depth outlook on selected qualitative and quantitative issues by exploring and explanation selected issues of international business in Visegrad countries.


Bielik, P. & Horská, E (2008). Internationalization at the Slovak Agro-business: Focused on Competitiveness, Territorial Expansion and Bringing Values to Customers In: P. Bielik (ed.), Agricultural Market and Trade: Evidence and Perspective of V4 Region and Its Neighbour – Ukraine, Warsaw: Editorial House Wies Jutra.

Cateora, P & Graham, J (2005). International Marketing. 12th ed., New York, NY: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

Ghemawat, P (2003). ´Semiglobalization and International Business Strategy, Journal of International Business Studies, 34, pp. 138 – 152.

Ghemawat, P (2007). Redefining Global Strategy. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.

Hačšík, P, Kačániová, M & Vavrišinová, K (2014). ´Vplyv probiotických preparátov na jatočné ukazovatele a senzorickú kvalitu masa výkrmových kurčiat´ (Impact of probiotic agents on slaughter indicators and sensory quality of broilers). Nitra: SPU.

Horská, E (2008). ´Medzinárodný marketingový program a cieľové trhy´(International Marketing Program and Target Markets) in Internacionalizácia agropotravinárskych podnikov SR (Internationalisation of Agri-food Companies in Slovakia), eds E. Horská et all, Nitra: SPU, pp. 199 – 234.

Horská, E, Maitah, M (2011). ´Homogenization, Regionalization and Localization in Theory and Practice of International Business´, in European Studies on Intercultural Dimensions of International business: Marketing and Managerial Consequences, eds E. Horská et all, Nitra: SPU, pp. 9 – 32.

Horská, E., Ubrežiová, I. & Wach, K. (2007). Foreign Trade Changes in Poland and Slovakia as an Effect of Europeanization before and After the Accession. In: The Path of Internationalization and Integration in the Europe of Regions. Scientific Papers, Nitra: Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture.

Kotabe, M (2001). ´Contemporary Research Trends in International Marketing´ In: Oxford Handbook of International Business eds Alan Rugman and Thomas L. Brewr, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kotabe, M & Hlsen, K, (2011). Global Marketing Management, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.

Lehota, J. & Szucs, J. (1999). ´The Role of Foreign Capital in Hungary´s Food Industry, with Respect to Multinational Companies´. Hungarian Agricultural Research – Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, March 1999, p. 12-13.

Nagyová, Ľ (2012). ´Definition of Basic Concepts´, in Managerial Communication, Ľ. Nagyová et all, Nitra: SPU, pp. 7 – 33.

Najda, M. & Wach, K. (2005). Impact of Integrated European Business Environment on SMEs Cooperation Strategies. Ekonomia, 17, pp. 123-139.

Paluchová, J 2012, ´Intercultural Communication´, in Managerial Communication, Ľ. Nagyová et all, Nitra: SPU, pp. 141 – 161. Peng, M (2014). Global Business, 3rd ed., Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Prague and Bratislava richer than most old EU states, (2011). Available from: .[24 January 2014].

Rehman, AA (2008). Dubai&Co.  Global Strategies for Doing Business in the Gulf States. 1st ed., New York: McGrawHill.

Smutka, L,  Maitah, M (2011). ´Facts and Figures on International Trade Development´, in European Studies on Intercultural Dimensions of International business: Marketing and Managerial Consequences, eds E. Horská et all, Nitra: SPU, pp. 33 – 65.

Trela, W, Krasnodebski, A, Kornalska, E, Gálová, J (2013). ´The Synergies between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Branding: Best Practice from Poland´, in Sustainability in Business and Society: Global Challenges – Local Solutions, eds E. Horská – Tlektes I. Yespolov, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Episteme, pp 41 – 60.

Ubrežiová, I, Bujňáková, M, Kapsdorferová, Z, Majorová, M (2009). International business and the reasons of the internationalization activities in the Slovak agri-food complex: The case study of the Slovak milk processing industry. Agricultural Economics - Czech, 55, pp. 605-610. Available from: . [24 January 2014].

Visegrád Group, (2014). Available from: . [22 January 2014]. Wach, K (2011). Managing International Business: Case of Poland (chapter 4) in: E. Horská (ed.), European Studies on Intercultural Dimensions of International business: Marketing and Managerial Consequences, Nitra: SPU, pp. 81 – 94.

Wach, K (2012). Europeizacja małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw: rozwój przez umiędzynarodowienie (Europeanisation of SMEs. Its International Growth). Warszawa: Wydawnictvo  Naukowe PWN, pp 10 – 42.





Czech Republic




Dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
Cracow University of Economics

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