Project Publications

| Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | conference articles in journals |

The reserach results have been published as a research monograph and scientific books in 2014 as well as in partner journals:

Daszkiewicz, N. (2014). Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Visegrad Countries towards Internationalisation Challenges in the European Union (chapter 9) In: A. Duréndez & K. Wach K. (Eds.), Patterns of Business Internationalisation in Visegrad Countries – In Search for Regional Specifics. Cartagena: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (ISBN: 978-84-942562-0-2).

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Chapters 9 bring in-depth outlook on selected qualitative and quantitative issues by exploring and explanation selected issues of international business in Visegrad countries.


Bell, J., McNaughton, S., Young, S. & Crick, D. (2003). Towards Integrative Model of  Small Firm Internationalisation. Journal of  International Entrepreneurship, 1(4), pp. 339-362.

Bilkey, W.J. & Tesar, G. (1977). The Export Behaviour of Smaller-Sized Wisconsin Manufacturing Firms, Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1).

Buckley, P. & Casson M.C. (1981). The Optimal Timing of a Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Journal, 91, pp. 75-87.

Cavusgil, S.T. (1994). Differences Among Exporting Firms Based on Their Degree of Internationalisation, Journal of Business Research, 12(2).

Daszkiewicz, N. & Wach, K., (2012). Internationalisation of SMEs. Context, Models, Implementation, Gdańsk: Gdańsk University of Technology Publishers.

Daszkiewicz, N. & Wach, K., (2013). Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa na rynkach międzynarodowych. Kraków: Wyd. Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego  w Krakowie.

Gagliardi, D. et al. (2013). Annual Report on European SMEs 2012/2013, Brussels: European Commission.

EIM (2010). Internationalisation of European SMEs. Final Report. Zoetemers – Brussels: European Commission & EIM Business.

Horská, E., Ubrežiová, I. & Wach, K. (2007). Foreign Trade Changes in Poland and Slovakia as an Effect of Europeanization before and After the Accession. In: The Path of Internationalization and Integration in the Europe of Regions. Scientific Papers, Nitra: Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture.

Johanson, J. & Vahlne, J.-E. (1977). The Internationalisation Process of the Firm – A Model of Knowledge Development and Increasing Foreign Market Commitments, Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1).

Johanson, J. & Vahlne, J.-E. (2009). The Uppsala Internationalisation Process Model Revisited: From Liability of Foreignneess to Liability of Outsidership, Journal of International Business Studies, 40(9).

Johanson, J. & Wiedersheim P. (1975). The Internationalisation of the Firm: Four Swedish Cases, Journal of Management Studies, 12(3).

Lee, H., Kelley, D. , Lee, J. & Lee, S. (2012).  The Impact of Internationalisation, Technology Resources, and Alliances. Journal of Small Business Management, 50(1), pp.1-19.

Oviatt, B.M. & McDougall, P.P. (1994). Toward a Theory of International New Ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 6(1).

McDougal, P.P, Oviatt, B.M. & Shrader, R.C A (2003). Comparison of domestic and international new ventures, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1, pp. 59-82.

Najda, M. & Wach, K. (2005). Impact of Integrated European Business Environment on SMEs Cooperation Strategies. Ekonomia, 17, pp. 123-139.

Rymarczyk, J. (2004). Globalizacja i internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstwa, Warszawa: PWE.

SBA (2013a), SBA Fact Sheet for Czech Republic, Brussels: European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry.

SBA (2013b), SBA Fact Sheet for Hungary, Brussels: European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry.

SBA (2013c), SBA Fact Sheet for Poland, Brussels: European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry.

SBA (2013d), SBA Fact Sheet for Slovakia, Brussels: European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry.

SME Observatory Survey Summary, Flash Eurobarometer (2007). No.196, Brussels: European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry.

Smith, A. (1954). Badania nad naturą i przyczynami bogactwa narodów. Warszawa: PWN. WEF (2013). The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, ed. K. Schwab, Geneva: World Economic Forum.

Wach, K. (2012), Europeizacja małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw: rozwój przez umiędzynarodowienie. Warszawa: PWN.

Wach, K. (2014a). Europeanisation of Firms as Their International Growth within the European Union: The Empirical Investigation into the Internationalisation Level among Polish Firms (chapter 1), In: Knežević, B. & Wach, K. (eds), International Business from the Central European Perspective. Zagreb: University of Zagreb.

Wach, K. (2014b). The scale of internationalisation and Europeanisation of SMEs and their operating in the spatial systems of the European Union. Przedsiębiorczość – Edukacja, 10.

Williamson O. (1998). Transaction Cost Economics. How it works?, Dec Economist, Springer. Wolff, J.A. & Pett, T.L. (2000). Internationalisation of Small Firms: An Examination of Export Competitive Patterns, Firm Size and Export Performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 38(2).





Czech Republic




Dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
Cracow University of Economics

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