Project Publications

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Wach, K., & Wehrmann, C. (2014). Entrepreneurship in International Business: International Entrepreneurship as the Intersecrion of Two Fields (chapter 1) In: A.S. Gubik & K. Wach K. (Eds.), International Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth  in Visegrad Countries. Miskolc: University of Miskolc (ISBN: 978-3-200-03673-4).

Full text: pdf  (free download)


The paper explores international entrepreneurship as the intersection of two research fields:
entrepreneurship and international business. The objective of the chapter is to discuss and
elaborate on the basics of international entrepreneurship, its inception and emergence,
fundamentals and principles, as well as its branches or bifurcations. The chapter is divided into three main sections. The first section reveals various approaches and theoretical concepts and models of the firm-level internationalisation process. The second section discusses specific features of international entrepreneurship as one of the approaches towards internationalisation process. The third section is dedicated to the internationalisation of SMEs, which are one of the main interests of international entrepreneurship. It seems that creating a solid and unique methodology for international entrepreneurship is essential to recognise international entrepreneurship as a separate research discipline, as is true currently in the case of international business. Taking into account the interdisciplinary character of entrepreneurship, it is possible that international entrepreneurship will fully become ‘a hub and a spoke’ (Mtigwe, 2006, p. 19) and a binder for all internationalisation theories and approaches constituting the base for the integrative models.

Keywords: international entrepreneurship, international business, internationalisation

JEL classification: F23, M00


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Wach, K. (2014b). Przedsiębiorczość międzynarodowa jako nowy kierunek badań w obrębie teorii internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstwa (Chapter 28). In S. Wydymus & M. Maciejewski (eds), Tradycyjne i nowe kierunki rozwoju handlu międzynarodowego (pp. 433-446). Warszawa: CeDeWu.

Wach, K. (2014c). Theoretical Framework of the Firm-Level Internationalisation in Business Studies (Chapter 1). In A. Durendez & K. Wach (Eds.), Patterns of Business Internationalisation in Visegrad Countries – In Search for Regional Specifics, (pp. 13-30). Cartagena: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

Wach, K. (2014d). The Theoretical Modelling of the Firm-Level International Competitiveness in Business Studies (Chapter 5). In D. Kiendl-Wendner & K. Wach (Eds.), International
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Czech Republic




Dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
Cracow University of Economics

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